Japheth’s Sacrifice

Grand Canyon Landscape

The other morning, I was reading about Japheth’s daughter. This was the man who promised God that whatever came around the next corner – he would sacrifice it. Well, his daughter – his only child – walked around the corner. Often, the first reaction to this is a repulsive one – and this makes sense. Beyond that though, there are minute parallels to Christ’s sacrifice later. Jesus is God’s only son. Japheth

Esther is another example where there are parallels. She approached the king of Persia with knowledge that doing so meant that she could be laying down her life for her people (the Jews).

I will expand on this next week, because I’ve been busy preparing to release Learning the Beauty of Humility With Horses on September 1, translating What Can I Do When I Have a Traumatic Brain Injury? to Spanish (Que Puedo Hacer Cuando Tengo un Derrame Cerebral? va pronto) and I’ve been getting my work listed with Smashwords (which will list it on Barnes and Noble, Apple and other distributors). Translations in Chinese and Portuguese will also be available in the future. I’m currently working to list on Amazon in the near future. What Can I Do Now That I Have a Traumatic Brain Injury (Large Print) is also available.

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