Excitement as Fall Approaches…

It’s exciting as fall is approaching! We still have several days left in our splendid summer (well, it’s nice here anyway), but will be returning to the regular school year schedule soon. We will see how this fall turns out – nice and cool, or hot and humid.

Would you say you are a generous person? Anyone serving in the military, police force, fire brigade, or medical fields do make a large sacrifice in regards to their time. However, what about in your personal life – as in, friends or family? Coworkers? I believe that the Lord has placed each of us in our unique life circumstances for His specific purposes in His own plans for our lives. He has given us talents and interests to help us fulfill his goals for us. Even the people He allows us to meet in everyday life!

Psalm 13 begins with a bit of anxiety from the psalmist, but ends talking about the generosity of the Lord in His deliverance. Christ will deliver us from the hardships we face when we reach out to Him.

Lord, how long will You forget me?
How long will You hide Your face from me?
How long will I store up anxious concerns within me,
agony in my mind every day?
How long will my enemy dominate me?

Consider me and answer, Lord my God.
Restore brightness to my eyes;
otherwise, I will sleep in death.
My enemy will say, “I have triumphed over him,”
and my foes will rejoice because I am shaken.

But I have trusted in Your faithful love;
my heart will rejoice in Your deliverance.
I will sing to the Lord
because He has treated me generously.

We are also starting to think about our nonprofit contributions, which will occur as close to September 1st as possible. Typically, we make financial contributions, but we do donate items or cash to Matrix Lifecare Pregnancy Center. While Vision of Hope Treatment Center does accept financial gifts, the also have a wish list of needed items. We also like to make financial donations to American Center of Law and Justice, Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, Faith Bible Seminary, and The Heritage Foundation. Supporting their work is important. In the midst of COVID, I realized that it is possible to order by phone and have the items mailed directly to Matrix or the Veteran’s Home that we contribute to also.

Books by Malinalli LLC will be releasing Learning the Beauty of Humility With Horses by Patina Malinalli on September 1st for $0 through December 31st, and it will be priced at $2.99 after that. We are still investigating setting up a presale and will share details if we decide to do that (hopefully by mid-August).

Learning the Beauty of Humility with Horses

If you have questions , concerns, or would like to say hello, please contact Patina Malinalli at patina@booksbymalinalli.com or feel free to write to her at:

Patina Malinalli

P.O. Box 2825, 610 Navajo St.

West Lafayette, IN 47996

If you are writing from outside the United States, please add “USA” below the address to direct your letter to the correct country. Thank you!

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